Sunday, January 20, 2008

Surely a parody?

I was listening to the radio in the car earlier when a song came on that I could have sworn was a Flight of the Conchords-style spoof... The opening lyric was:

"If I had eyes in the back of my head I'd have told you that you looked good as I walked away"

But no, apparently it is a genuine song by Jack Johnson. How did he manage to achieve something so close to parody? How does he sing it with a straight face???

(by-the-by: if you're not already into FotC, what have you been doing??)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Interesting chat up technique

Him: Are you Canadian?
Me [surprised, looking at clothing for stray maple leaves]: Erm, no.
Him: Oh. I'm Alex, I'm from Portugal
Me: Hi Alex, nice to meet you
Him: Are you straight or gay?
Me: Um... straight
Him: I'm bisexual
Me: Ok. I'm not out on the pull tonight, though, just so you know
Him: Oh. Ok. Do you do drugs?