busy sunday
got up at 5am (finishing a report - gosh but i work so much more efficiently in the morning but there's always that spice of danger that you'll run out of time...), had eggy bread (mmm), did some washing, ironed my hair (useless - still looked stupid), emailed the report to bob, went to richmond for brunch with roland and tim, accidentally bought some silly jewelled sandals, had rubbish food (they could do a full breakfast that included mushrooms, but they couldn't do mushrooms on toast) followed by a very nice juice (carrot, beetroot, ginger, apple) in the rain, talked about jane austen, went for afternoon tea at the four seasons with very pregnant julia and treehorn my old desk buddy from work, sipped champagne, ate five ridiculous tiny sandwiches and a scone with mountains of clotted cream, drank a whole pot of lapsang souchong, caught a train, got stuck outside clapham (signals struck by lightning), ran round richmond park, bumped into someone from work (eek how embarrassing, red face, tight-fitting lycra), ran home from richmond (ooch ouch starting to hurt), collapsed like a dead thing, had a sleepy (hopefully he couldn't tell) chat with bob about the report, read two pages of my book (One Good Turn by Kate Atkinson*) and slept like a zombie.
*recommended, but read Case Histories first.
*recommended, but read Case Histories first.