Monday, July 09, 2007

Much fun was had at the weekend. The sleeper train was pretty good. Although I was disappointed that, unlike my mother in years gone by, I was not able to stick my feet out of the window at Crewe.

On Saturday morning, we went and did the aerial assault course at a climbing centre built in an old quarry just outside Edinburgh. It was a delicious combination of fantastic fun and leg-trembling terror as you scaled cargo nets and swung on rope ladders suspended 100ft above the ground.

We also made a LOT of egg-based food, on the grounds that Rachel keeps three hens who are all impressively earning their keep. Well, all apart from fat Margot who didn't produce a single egg the entire time I was there... So we had scrambled eggs, quiche, pavlova and home-made mayonnaise. Impressive, non?

I also managed to fit in my running, with Rachel gamely tootling alongside on a bike. It's amazing: Scotland's full of hills!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

should i be flattered or insulted that I 'gamely' tootled along on my bike?

12:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rach - Is it the 'gamely' that you find unflattering (hinting that you are a bit of a woooss, really)or the 'tootled' bit, suggesting that you have only recently removed the stabilisers?

Anyway, imagine how I feel knowing that the whole world is now aware that I waved my feet out of a carriage window many years ago. People have been given ASBOs for less.

9:44 pm  
Blogger OboeJane said...

the "gamely" was intended to convey the fact that you were humouring me by pootling along at jogging pace rather than cycling at normal speed.

I admit that in re-reading it doesn't sound quite like that. Ah, the wonders of the written word.

9:08 am  
Blogger The Author said...

Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Do the 'lots of eggs' produce 'lots of wind'? They certainly do at our house (too much information?) The assualt course thing doesn't sound like it would be for me - however the massage chair thingy sounds great!!!

5:25 am  

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