Wednesday, February 01, 2006


No, not some Essex bird.

It's the capital of Uzbekistan (I had to look it up on the internet - it's amazing what school doesn't teach you these days), and it's where Glenn has been posted for two months this summer.

Given that downtown San Francisco is probably the most gritty and challenging holiday destination I've faced to date I'm not altogether sure that popping over to see him is a good plan. But I'm prepared to give it ago, despite the warnings on the Foreign Office website of the risks of being mugged by off-duty policemen, or blown up by land mines on the border.

Any input into this disaster-in-waiting would be gratefully received.


Blogger Rach said...

Cooooool. Sounds great. I mean it might be awful, but at least he'll have some good storys for the pub on his return

1:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you do both coincide with landmines, please could I have your car? Ta very much!

Elly x

OK, OK, this could go both ways, couldn't it? I mean you could get there to find that you can't possibly leave the hotel, and even there you are under constant and unsettling scrutiny by bearded men who pick their teeth with switchblades, and the one time you do venture outside you are 1) attacked by a highly-trained criminal infant who kicks you in the kneecaps, 2) fall prey to undercooked camel meat for which you are overcharged by approximately 1000%, before 3) being repeatedly run over by a fundamentalist loony in a Trabant. OR, you could go there, take a few basic precautions regarding Hawaiian shirts and expensive digital equipment, and find that the people there are just like people everywhere, i.e. basically nice. Go for it, hon. Not just cos I love your car ;o)

9:29 pm  

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