Monday, December 19, 2005

We won't go until we've got some

Braving the swarms of bluebottles in the kitchen, I made a figgy pudding last night. (I figured that if a few dead flies drop in, no-one will be any the wiser).

Recipe: a load of dried figs, gallons of port, enough sugar to turn it to slurry-like consistency, then thicken up with a whole bunch of breadcrumbs. Not sure how these things can possibly combine into anything even remotely resembling a pudding, but we shall see. It will get its final boiling and ousting on Christmas day. Ha! And not even any shops open for emergency Vienetta if it all tastes like dead flies.

Also made a vegetarian pate log thing out of tinned chestnuts. Looks a bit like brown decorators caulk. Tastes a bit like... well, in actual fact, it was tasty. Although half a gallon of gravy is required to stop it cementing to the roof of your mouth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't help noticing the mention of flies, Miss Janie. Were you with us when we went to the Guggenheim yes the GUGGENHEIM in New York? The most memorable work there, for me, was the Damien Hurst entitiled 'Armageddon'. Just a huge canvas covered with dead flies. Fantastic. From a distance it was impossible to tell what it was. It was a large expanse of blackness but it sort of shimmered. Close up, and you got it!! On the floor were a few dropouts which, presumbably, had to be swept up daily. Perhaps one day it will just be a blank canvas again or will DH replenish them on a regular basis?

10:13 am  
Blogger OboeJane said...

Hmm.. Yes, remember the Hurst well. It smelled a bit rank when you got too close.

Fortunately the house hasn't reached Armageddon-like swarmage yet.

3:45 pm  

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