Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Dodgy bunnies

I am hoping that, with Christmas safely behind us, Duracell will stop airing their stupid radio adverts.

You know the ones - with the leering voiceover suggesting that Duracell "just keeps banging away - know wot i mean??!!!" (yeah, yeah, ad-boys. We get it. Long-life batteries for your childrens toys / immense sexual stamina). Is this gross, or what?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Millington writes:
Nope, still can't remember that password...
Still, I am with you on the Duracell bunny thing, especially that telly ad where the 'Know woh I mean?' is accompanied by a shot of male bunny, in the arms of female bunny, winking at the camera. IT'S A TOY BUNNY!!! DON'T make it have a sexlife, people - there's enough ugliness in the world already...
PS I know that the female bunny is a female bunny because she is wearing a short skirt. I wonder if the ad would be so successful if SHE was the one with the endless stamina? Just a thought...

9:55 pm  

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