Monday, January 30, 2006

Scary story

Bad Science on Guardian Unlimited: if you've not read it, essentially it's a geeky bloke demolishing the rubbishy science used to sell things, and therefore allows you to laugh openly at stupid people. Let's face it, there are few better things in life than that.

However, this week's article is slightly different. It covers how you can track someone's movements through their mobile phone, pretty much just by putting their number into a website. And points out that this is really rather scary indeed. All the fun and useful applications of it (knowing the whereabouts of teenage offspring, calculating how much work Glenn actually does in a typical day [answer: not much, but I didn't need a website to tell me that] etc) are outweighed by the fact that you can now pander to all your freaky stalker paranoia from the comfort of your own laptop.


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