Monday, December 05, 2005

Back in the magic shoes

I came 40th out of 51 yesterday morning. By my standards, that's gold medal territory. A mere 33 minutes behind the winner (who was, as is invariably the case, about 20 or 30 years older than me).

I didn't make it out to the night event on Saturday - I was playing a concert. But apparently GB got lost twice: once between two points 50yds apart in an open field; and again on his way from the finish to the car park. Tragic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I,m sure GB wasnt lost just slightly confused. Strange that the last time Bean got lost nothing was mentioned in a Blogg, mmm not a true reflection of skills is being reported I feel. I wait with anticipation to a Lost Bean as GB can only get better.

11:32 am  

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