Death of Smash Hits
Inevitably overtaken in teenage preoccupations by (i) sending WOTUUP2 text messates to each other and (ii) standing around outside Alldays doing Little Britain impressions, Smash Hits magazine is biting the dust.
Tragic. It was about the only bit of totally frivolous expenditure we were allowed as kids, and the only teen magazine that was able to pass the parental censor. Just 17 and More were both deemed to be too sex-obsessed to be suitable reading material for 13-year-olds (remember "position of the fortnight" with those impressively detailed line drawings?)
But I digress. Back to the demise of the Hits: where are the teenagers of the future going to get their posters from now? I still remember Elly getting a load of grief from dad for putting up one of A-ha in which Morten's acne was all too visible under the panstick. Ah, the memories!
Tragic. It was about the only bit of totally frivolous expenditure we were allowed as kids, and the only teen magazine that was able to pass the parental censor. Just 17 and More were both deemed to be too sex-obsessed to be suitable reading material for 13-year-olds (remember "position of the fortnight" with those impressively detailed line drawings?)
But I digress. Back to the demise of the Hits: where are the teenagers of the future going to get their posters from now? I still remember Elly getting a load of grief from dad for putting up one of A-ha in which Morten's acne was all too visible under the panstick. Ah, the memories!
Elly says:
Ah, Morten Harket... Good of you not to mention the Corey Feldman posters, God bless your heart ;o) Actually, Teenage Beancount Central was in the half of the room with the window, if memory serves, giving me the monopoly on bepimpled wall embellishments. You had nature posters (ever the sophisticated one), especially one of an elephant mummy and baby which was super. But I digress. Teenagers now read Now (girls) or FHM (boys), and therefore know everything there is to know about Z-list celebrity love lives, which Emmerdale starlet looks best in her undies, and which weapon leaves the biggest hole. I prefer my encylopaedic knowledge of really crap 80's pop trivia, such as the name of Brother Beyond's lead singer and Big Fun's greatest hit. Answers on a postcard.
(i) Nathan..... er... Nathan... Wobblylegs?
(ii) Blame it on the Boogie.
And yes, we all still remember the dance.
Bonus points for remembering the ridiculous name of the lead singer of Curiosity Killed the Cat
Ben Volipierre-Perrot (spelling may be rampantly askew there), you amateur ;o) Kudos for Nathan Wobblylegs, though. And yes, we all remember the dance, and the fact that Big Fun were, quite plainly, a bunch of junior bank clerks from Basildon, or somewhere equally crap. But what was Betty Boo's surname?? This one defeats me!
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