Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Guilty secret

At the moment, I have to do about 20 minutes on the tube each day to get to the client site. On the way home, I've got into the habit of picking up one of the free London papers in the evening. If you've not seen one of these (London Lite, The London Paper - handed out by tabard-clad students/immigrants/out of work actors), they are effectively gossip mags for 20- and 30-somethings masquerading as newspapers.

Regular features
  • One-off articles penned by readers, with a "Should XXX write for us again? Text your vote!!" footer appended to them (strangely, the voting results are always in multiples of 10%, making me suspect that there are only ten people bothering to text. Or they just make it up.)
  • Readers' opinions of recent news items, submitted by text so as to render them as white-van-man-talk-radio meaningless as possible
  • A photo of Victoria Beckham and a quick update on her fly-on-the-wall documentary / trials of life in America / latest outrageous outfit
  • Centre spread of who was out on the town last night (i.e. WAGs falling out of cabs, Peaches Geldof - always with a reference to her upcoming A-levels thrown in for good measure - and some random celeb with their nipples / ladies bits on unintentional display.)

But I must now make a confession. Both the free papers have a column dedicated to messages between anonymous commuters. Along the lines of: "To the cute Brazilian guy in the sleeveless shirt on the District line at 6pm each night - you've got a great smile". And I can't help it, but I ALWAYS read them. Just in case one day I find... "Slightly tubby speccy girl with frightening hair on the Reading train - your scowling face makes my day"


Blogger The Author said...

So, Peaches Geldof is out on the town every night just before her 'A' level exams? I'm pleased to report that there's none of that nonsense with Danielle. She's studying her little socks off at the moment!!! Bless her! ...and I do check that she's not actually spending all her time on MSN. God only knows where she gets her conscientious steak from - certainly not from her mother!

5:54 pm  

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