How do calories work?
Last night I went for a run with GB. According to my running watch, I burned 473 calories. According to HIS running watch, he burned 991 calories for the same run.
How is this fair? It's not like he weighs twice as much as me.
How is this fair? It's not like he weighs twice as much as me.
Don't count the calories, and likewise never ever get weighed. I haven't been weighed since I was pregnant (18 years ago). I know if I need to adjust my diet by how my clothes feel...everyone has a favourite pair of skinny trousers (don't they?) when you are comfortable in these trousers, all is well with the world!!! If you must count - then count fat grams. (no more than 15 per day) (apparently!) I think a cream scone has about 25 so that's me done for!!!
That's very true. I don't actually count calories (or fat grams, or carbs, or anything really - explains a lot), but i happened to notice the discrepancy and am now confused as to how the bloomin things work.
Surely the energy you expend on a run is some kind of factor of the weight you carry over the distance you carry it?
hmmmm possibly, you would assume so. That's a bit unfair though because that means a thin person has to run twice as far as a fat person (who weighs twice as much)to get the same benefit - and to be quite fair they should only have to do half as much because they obviously only ate half as many pies.
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