Monday, June 11, 2007

The best things in life are free if you are exceptionally lucky

Entertainment & Economy scale went into overdrive this weekend. Not least because the South Bank was having its celebratory opening so every time I walked past on the way to the station there were weird and wonderful free events going on. But this excitement aside, I was the lucky beneficiary of much E&E joy...

Friday night
  • Early evening drinks at the Fortnum & Mason wine bar. The immensely charming French staff let you buy food from the deli and bring it into the bar to nibble on. E&E rating: wine=fair, nibbles=good.
  • Royal Academy summer exhibition. My parents are Friends of the RA, so receive a pair of preview tickets, so I went with my dad. The exhibition is free anyway, but if you go to the preview you get the opportunity to buy Pimm's at £5 per glass. Hmmm. We resisted. Thanks to the pre-exhibition tippling, though, I was nearly tempted to shell out inappropriate amounts of money on artworks. Close shave, but ultimately achieves an E&E rating of Excellent for being both fun and FREE!


  • Met up with friends for champagne and mini macaroons to celebrate Kristin's birthday. E&E rating: um... I think we'll evaluate the day as a whole... moving on to...
  • Stalls seats (row E, darlings!) at ENO's production of Benjamin Britten's Death in Venice, starring the sublime Ian Bostridge. And a glorious counter-tenor (Iestyn Davies, per the programme). E&E rating: oh, how smug am I? My friend at the Beeb procured press tickets so it was FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE and truly amazing, which puts it off the scale.


  • Brunch in the sunshine.
  • Run in Richmond Park. The best things in life are indeed free.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see the entertainment/ economy scale being used to it's full potential in this post. Well done.

Nick and I still harbour thoughts of producing an interactive EE scale web site called 'was it worth it?', which is the ultimate question when deciding if the an activity comes above or below the EE line of delight. Sounds as though your weekend as a whole would definitely fall above the line.

9:21 am  

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