Thursday, June 07, 2007

Did I mention the Trolley?

I can't remember if I've already mentioned that the office I'm working at has a 3pm tea trolley every day. The nice lady with a big voice pushes the trolley in the front door and hollers "Anyone for TROLLEY?!" and we all gather round for tea and cake.

I'm beginning to worry about my obsession with TrolleyTime.

I start thinking about it in the morning, which is when I consider whether or not I should have cake that day, based upon the relative healthfulness of the preceding 24 hours.

By midday, my lunch choices are strongly influenced whether I've committed to having cake in the afternoon. I also calculate the approximate time between finishing lunch and upcoming arrival of trolley

By ten to three, I'm busy clearing my diary/excusing myself from meetings/terminating conference calls/having a preparatory wee so that I'm not out of the room when trolley arrives.

By three pm I'm at my desk, poised. But the challenge now is not to look too desperate, so people do not realise the disturbing depth of my trolley fixation:
  • Look up, nonchalantly, as if to say "Is that the time? I hadn't realised."
  • Turn to colleagues and say, "Cup of tea - there's an idea. Can I get you one?"
  • Grab purse, run to trolley, push through crowds, lunge for cake

Damn, damn, damn!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well yes, you may have mentioned the trolley before. HOWEVER (and I'm not apologising for shouting) you haven't treated us yet to a detailed decription of said trolley's contnets. Please rectify the situation. Hungry sisters need to know x x

9:58 am  
Blogger The Author said...

I'm laughing at the way you're fixating on the trolley. Yesterday I fixated on another woman's shoes. They were lovely and I spent the whole day wondering if I could ask her where they came from and, if she told me, would it be okay if I had a pair too. They really were very precious.

Do tell, what cakes and other delicacies are on THE TROLLEY?

12:49 pm  
Blogger OboeJane said...

Tracy - You know how good it makes you feel when someone compliments you, so you've got to tell her. It will give you a warm glow.

I then suggest the following strategy: say "I've got some very similar - where are yours from?" This then paves the way for you running out and buying your own pair tomorrow. Hurray!

1:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funniest post - thanks for making me laugh out loud - loved the trolley rush !


10:30 pm  

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