Friday, June 22, 2007

Don't ask how I got in

I managed to wangle a ticket for the 2007 Charity Awards last night. A significant majority of people going up to collect awards (chief execs, press officers, senior technicians etc) were female. I might be going out on a limb here, but I suspect the same would not be said of, say, the advertising industry or accountancy annual awards.

And just in case you were wondering (I definitely was before I arrived), most of the assembled do-gooders looked surprisingly elegant and well-coiffed (and I thought you people were above such frivolity??!!). Although there were some suitably bizarre ethno tie-die hand-woven hemp creations on display to ensure you didn't get the night confused with, say, a debutantes' ball.

This was my first ever big awards bash. And by big of course I mean not too big. Cos it's the charity sector and it would be a bit embarrassing to be troughing on champers and caviar and snorting coke whilst watching images of beaten wives, starving children or Alzheimer's patients.

The people handing out the prizes were a bizarre mix of minor celebs, some of whom were more obvious choices than others:

  • Neil Kinnock - ooh yes, all these guardian-reading leftie types will love this
  • Kate Adie - wow, brilliant female role model
  • Ade Adewhatsit - he's young! he's sexy! he's black! he's disabled! the Beeb has just wet its collective pants!
  • Some foreign football player (Gianfranco Zola? Gianluca Viali? "You are all weeners here tonight to me" Well said, Gianthingy!)
  • A few other people who I hadn't heard of

Anyway. I had a great night, apart from offending one of our guests. He'd just been telling me that he thought his daughter should apply to my firm because "she has the right school on her CV". "Excuse me?" I snorted, "Don't you mean that she has the right results?"

"Well, yes, but the right school counts for a lot, you know"

"Um... right," I said, "I went to my local comp."

And then the woman sat the other side of him (from the Arts Council) chipped in, "Me too!"

Hah! Pincer movement.


Blogger The Author said...

Oh Jane, you crack me up. I laughed out loud about 6 times whilst reading this. Glad you had a good time - and although I have never met you I can just imagine the look on your face when people (such as the guy with his comment about "Correct School") make such wanky comments.

6:30 am  

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