Wednesday, February 21, 2007

the humble king of biscuits

The garibaldi. I'm sure i've waxed lyrical about the simple charms of the squashed fly biscuit before. But for the first time in AAAAAAAAAGES I've actually been able to find some.

I haven't seen the 'baldis in the shops for the longest while, but since the recent office move (ah, how the mighty are fallen!) from (oh la la) Whitehall to (oh dear) Elephant & Castle we have discovered a source.

I am wondering if there is some kind of class or relative wealth factor at play here. Are garibaldis actually a barometer of social class? Here is my comprehensive social study:
  • The (admittedly tiny) Tescos in Parliament Square: no garibaldis. Luxury chocolate-dipped double chocolate cookies? Help yourself. Jaffa cakes? Indeed. Humble garibaldis? No ma'am, afraid not.
  • Tescos in the Elephant & Castle shopping centre: garibaldis a go-go.

Categorical, unrefutable proof that garibaldis are the people's biscuit. Up the workers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good work girl! I, for one, applaud your tenacity in tracking down your preferred snack. Vote with your wallet. Get the proper snacks back on the shelf!

1:56 pm  
Blogger The Author said...

Could you have a look and see if they sell those lovely iced sport biscuits? They're like malted milk oblongs with pink / lemon / lilac icing on one side and I haven't seen them for years....yum yum...also lemon puff biscuits.

8:00 pm  
Blogger OboeJane said...

Will give it a go. If not, you could presumably manufacture your own with a pack of malted milks and a blob of icing?

9:50 am  
Blogger The Author said...

Since your post on biscuits we have been having a discussion regarding the same at the stables. Everyone has a favourite - (it's all women - so no surprise there then!) Dan - Hobnobs, Emma - Jaffa Cakes, Gabby - Rich Tea (?) Becca - Custard Creams, Lisa and the girls - Digestives, Nikki and Tim - chocolate Hobnobs and me - jammy Dodgers. We then of course had the discussion about biscuits you can't buy any longer - at which point all the young girls' eyes glazed over whilst Lisa, Gabby and I reminisced about biscuits from the 60's and 70's!!!!

6:32 am  

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