Plenty of nuttn'
Of course, the plenty of nutt'n that I got is actually "stuff to talk about" rather than "worldly possessions", which is what I believe the original song referred to. Can't really claim to have nutt'n in the way of worldly possessions. Not that I'm flash, you understand. It's just that I only ever seem to talk about my shallow twivial existence involving buying stuff and consuming stuff. Which is a relatively depressing state of affairs when I stop to think about it.
So in a break from usual conspicuous consumption programming, I will tell you about how I went on a nice 5-mile run (the "nice" bit being the smug feeling when I think back to it, rather than the experience of slogging around it) and saw the moon looking like a little sliver of fingernail. And marvelled at how many bits of dead branch there were on the pavements from all that windy weather. Do you think the trees like it, in the way your hairdresser encourages you to regularly trim off all those nasty dead split ends?
And about how today I spent the morning at the Peacock Theatre in London doing the sound check for the PwC Panto (Puss in Boots), which kicks off on Tuesday. It seems to be looking quite good, from what I can see from down in the pit (i.e. nothing). And Puss him(her)self is certainly going to keep a good proportion of the audience happy as she slinks around in a skin-tight... erm... CATsuit and knee boots. Of course, this is probably a useful distraction, since the Miller's son (i.e. Principal Boy) is rather pregnant. Don't worry - the kids won't notice. They mostly can't tell that she's a girl, bump or no bump. Jack (of and the Beanstalk fame last year) has spectactularly ample busty substances (Pete & Dud), but none of the liddle chiddlers worried about that.
So in a break from usual conspicuous consumption programming, I will tell you about how I went on a nice 5-mile run (the "nice" bit being the smug feeling when I think back to it, rather than the experience of slogging around it) and saw the moon looking like a little sliver of fingernail. And marvelled at how many bits of dead branch there were on the pavements from all that windy weather. Do you think the trees like it, in the way your hairdresser encourages you to regularly trim off all those nasty dead split ends?
And about how today I spent the morning at the Peacock Theatre in London doing the sound check for the PwC Panto (Puss in Boots), which kicks off on Tuesday. It seems to be looking quite good, from what I can see from down in the pit (i.e. nothing). And Puss him(her)self is certainly going to keep a good proportion of the audience happy as she slinks around in a skin-tight... erm... CATsuit and knee boots. Of course, this is probably a useful distraction, since the Miller's son (i.e. Principal Boy) is rather pregnant. Don't worry - the kids won't notice. They mostly can't tell that she's a girl, bump or no bump. Jack (of and the Beanstalk fame last year) has spectactularly ample busty substances (Pete & Dud), but none of the liddle chiddlers worried about that.
Pnato was just great - full of enthusiasm and fun. The oboe section was especially fantastic. I'm really looking forward to the year when the songs include 'I've got you, babe'......perhaps 'Babes in the wood' next year?? May I offer it as a suggestion?
Oh no you mayn't.
Oh yes I may.
Much love
Muminininini x
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