Big skies
- big sky
- rolling green hills
- sweaty personage wearing blue
So I can't be bothered to load them up (not least because my internet connection here is reeeaalllllyyyyy slllloooooooowwwwww). You'll just have to close your eyes and imagine big sky, rolling green hills, and - well, I'd leave out the sweaty lycra louts if I were you.
We're having a hallowe'en party next tuesday. I know, I know. Commercialised American nonsense etc etc. But since we always end up with little hoodie scum in pound-shop plastic masks demanding sweets with menaces, we figured we would be prepared this time. And get drunk on green drinks with eyeballs in them.
My normal hallowe'en routine involves forgetting to buy any sweets, and then hiding in the dark at home so that they think I'm out (and therefore hopefully don't egg the car after rejecting my offers of wasabe peas and cashew nuts - which are the most "treat"-like items I can find, usually)
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