Monday, October 02, 2006

Rather depressing

One of the people on my team has only recently qualified as an accountant. Prior to that, he was a professional 'cellist with a top UK orchestra. On a salary of £19k. Isn't that depressing?


Blogger The Author said...

I wonder which job he'd rather be doing? Maybe he prefers to keep playing the cello but just as a hobby? It seems a real shame though - although I am told by our finance department at work that being an accountant can be quite fun!!!!!

5:57 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jane,
I'm not anonymous at all. No wonder I don't hear from you. You are always writing your blog.


Mother x

ps Please can cellist be invited to next birthday tea? We are working towards a septet.

pps I thought of you the other day on the news of Malcolm Arnold's death.

ppss He sounds to have been a sad and complex man, not at all the person to write such witty pieces.

6:35 pm  
Blogger OboeJane said...

Tragically, 'cellist does not play at all at the moment. Not even for fun.

He has a little 6 month old baby that takes up a lot of his spare time...

11:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah... how sweet but a sad loss to the music world and an even bigger loss to the Nosh Ensemble .......

Thank you for the communication. I look forward to catching up with your news in your next posting.


ps When do I get to try the cocktails? I can provide my own glass. (And don't forget the glasses I have with cactuses in the stems - especially for the margeritas. There's tasteful.)
pps Did you get the 12oz wadding?

6:29 pm  

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