Thursday, April 26, 2007

Disposable proggler - the essential kit

I am devoting this fascinating post to the proggling of splinters. Rach (and indeed her entire family as far as I can make out. Particularly Grace.) are very keen progglers*, and will while away merry hours on this pastime.

*and not just of splinters. Belly buttons, shoe cleats, gaps between the computer keys.

But I discovered the perfect splinter proggler while I was on holiday. I got a great set of five splinters in the palm of my hand whilst on walkabout (it may have had something to do with hugging trees), so gleefully approached the man at the YHA counter with a request for a needle in the anticipation of a happy half hour's entertainment.

He came back with a pre-packed sterilised Splinter Remover. Super-fancy. No messing about with gas flame / cotton wool / tcp etc. Ergonomic plastic grip so that you can really put some effort into it without cramping of the fingers. Sharp point PLUS bladed sides, like a mini-spear, so that you could poke and slash simultaneously. Oooooh.

The disadvantage of this supreme piece of kit was that it was a little too efficient. It only took five minutes to despatch all the splinters, which was somewhat disappointing. I was hoping Glenn might have had a few too, but no such luck.

Anyway, I brought it back home with me (I know, defeating the idea of the sterilisedness, but still, they're my bacteria) and was able to put it to good use in attacking the SPLINTER FROM HELL. Although I have to confess that what ultimately prevailed (after the groundwork had been laid by the tool of choice) was my BeneFit eyebrow-grooming tweezers (aka. the Best Tweezers In The World)


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