Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Big bruise

At the risk of this turning into an unending blog of injuries, I have to tell you about GB's impressive new bruise.

He was delivering some personal safety training the other day to a group of enthusiastic people armed with riot batons. He was all kitted up in a "Mr Fist" suit (like that elegant gentleman in the picture) so the students could wallop him in the approved manner. Unfortunately, Mr Fist's padded butt slipped a bit and GB took a baton to the back of the thigh.

I would show you a picture of said bruise, but it is a bit close to the... er... cheekly area around the posterial zones so the image may prove traumatic to those of a sensitive disposition. So you will just have to take my word for it when I say that it is the most beautiful shade of maroon, with two yellow stripes across it.

By the way, in looking up the picture of the Fist suit, I discover that the manufacturers also sell...
  • Knife fighting training videos
  • Gun holsters and arrow quivers
  • General leather goods
  • Pool cue cases

Interesting assortment, eh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does that mean they make handbags and elegant purses, as well as Kevlar sumo suits? I'd love to see their factory :o)

E x

11:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now come at me with that banana........................

9:18 pm  

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