Monday, September 25, 2006

New link - FunkyBookClub

I've just added a new link at the top of the page.

This leads to the International Order of the Funky Book Club - based in Fayetteville, North Carolina. My parents used to attend when they lived there, and now seem to belong to the club remotely...

Given that the point of a book club is not actually the book, but instead the drinking, nibbling and nattering that goes on around it, virtual members ought to only contribute with a nice glass of red in hand.


Blogger Unknown said...

Mummy writes:
Thank you for the advice about preventing Viagra ads.

Have already had the glass of vino. Dangerous suggestion - don't ask a girl to drink and type - it might tip over the computer.

7:01 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Arjay from the FBC here. Thanks for the plug on your fine little blog, and thanks for the advice on blocking the viagra ads. I will follow your instructions and get hopefully get some of that garbage blocked.

A glass of wine or two, or three, while typing away at the computer should be mandatory, but it is such a hard rule to enforce. And while trying to do so, out of NOWHERE, the neighbors started whining about "privacy" and "civil rights" when I would kick in their doors and charge their glasses with a fine little Russian River Pinot Noir. Perhaps they only drink Cabernet. Well, it wasn't just their whining that made me stop. It turns out that "restraining order" is also a very powerful term, and one enforced with even more zeal than my "glass of wine beside you." It's all a a great learning experience.

6:38 pm  

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