Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Beer of the 'stan

We knew that it couldn't be long before our cultural attache came up with a beer review for us. Apparently the major brand available locally is the Russian-made Baltika beer. This comes in nine different numbered varieties, from ordinary to scary. It would appear that the odd numbered beers are lager-like, and the even numbered beers are dark. (Apart from No. 8, which is a wheat beer.)

Our man's favourite, Baltika No.5 Gold Beer, comes in at 5.3%. But the good people of Russia have not earned their reputation as hard-drinkers lightly. Baltika No.6 (Porter) comes in at 7%, and Baltika No.9 ("Extra Beer" - no kidding) is a mighty robust 8%.

Apparently, our brave brewhouse ambassador has also tried (purely in the name of research) a Czech beer with an alcohol content of 12%. "Undrinkable filth" was his verdict.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, it's Elly again...

So how can a beer be 12%? Do they blend it with ethanol pre-bottling? In Thailand you can get whiskey blended with amphetamines (no kidding) which was AMAZINGLY easy to refuse. I mean really, why would you? But 12% beer? How did the warning bells not deafen him??

Oh so many questions...

2:20 pm  

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