Friday, August 18, 2006

Gone. Just like your teeth.

As the Scotsman announces in an article today, the company that makes Highland Toffee and Wham bars has gone into administration.

Not being a Scot, I can't get into the same level of nostalgia over the potential loss of Highland Toffee. But I do have a lingering (bittersweet) fondness for those ludicrous luminous lumps of industrial adhesive (studded with explosive kernels of sherbet) known as Wham bars.

I say bittersweet because I was relieved of a wobbly tooth courtesy of a Wham bar at the age of 13. Chomp, chomp, ouch! And then the tooth was left stuck in the goo. Took me ages to extract it, but I wasn't going to miss out on the tooth fairy's 20p, so I persevered. I seem to remember that I ate the rest of the bar, too.

If you'd like to make an offer for the business to preserve this particular piece of early-onset-diabetes heritage, drop me a line. Jamie Oliver has a lot to answer for, I tell you.


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