Monday, August 21, 2006


Not sure how my Vinopolis experience sits on the entertainment/economy scale. It cost £20 (although I think that may be a group rate), and for this you got a book of vouchers to be exchanged at various tasting tables around the exhibition, and a DIY tour (i.e no guide, just a map and some pictures on the walls).

The benefit of the DIY tour is that it makes for a relaxed evening if you're there to catch up with friends, since you can chat and take things at your own pace.

On the downside, you don't really learn anything much. At least, I didn't. It might be because it was a Friday so "reading information" was quite a long way below "having a drink" in my personal agenda.

You do get a fair old slosh of alcohol for your money. Ok, compared to buying a 2 litre bottle of Diamond White, it's not that cheap. In fact, come to think of it, compared to buying a very nice bottle of wine, it's not cheap. So maybe I've just answered my entertainment/economy scale question.

For the money, your alternative options are:
(i) Very good bottle of wine at home - but can't fit all your friends in
(ii) 2.5 cocktails in a nice bar - very tasty, but you'll be heading home by 9pm cos you'll have run out of money
(iii) 2 bottles of overpriced wine in a pub - but smoky and the wine is unlikely to be great
(iv) 10 bottles of diamond white in the park

So it serves a purpose, and probably falls borderline on the E/E scale. Depending on how much you like Diamond White.


Blogger The Author said...

I don't like Diamond White at all!!! Or Blue WICKED (very ill at the Belfry with that particular beverage!) Bottled drinks like that remind me of some of the most squirmishly embarrassing times of my know the script - get very drunk very quickly and say lots of really stupid things to people who really matter (like the Boss :), then spend 12 months ot being able to look them in the eye. I prefer Gin & Tonic, then at least I can pace myself!!!!

6:53 am  

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