Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just say Nyet

In the absence of any actual updates from Our Man in Tashkent (he's being a bit reticent at the moment), I thought I'd fill you in on the back story....

The British Embassy in Uzbekistan has been closed for several months. Apparently this was done as a deterrant to all those pesky Uzbeks who kept going to the embassy to (shock! horror!) apply for a visa to visit the UK. In order to put a few of them off, the embassy was temporarily closed, and applicants were required to use the embassy in neighbouring Kazakhstan instead. Of course, when I say neighbouring, this (not terribly good) map illustrates how wonderfully convenient that must have been.

But now, with a roll of drums and splendid fanfare, the embassy in Tashkent has opened up again today. GB reports that he has 58 applications to attend to today, so I would imagine his "Nyet" stamp will be moving in a blur...


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