Desk germs
Is it a boy thing? I've just moved into a desk previously occupied by a bloke and it's all coffee stains and sticky fingerprints. Hasn't he heard of DESK GERMS??? There's an urban myth going round that it is healthier to eat your lunch off the toilet seat than your desk. Not my desk, of course - thanks to those ponky sterilising desk wipes.
And don't get me started on EAR GERMS. When are they going to invent a mobile phone that doesn't get greasy ear germs when someone's been using it? Of course, my desk phone got the ponky wipe treatment too.
(not that I plan on eating lunch off the phone, you understand)
And don't get me started on EAR GERMS. When are they going to invent a mobile phone that doesn't get greasy ear germs when someone's been using it? Of course, my desk phone got the ponky wipe treatment too.
(not that I plan on eating lunch off the phone, you understand)
I have sent you a pic of my desk phone. It's an NHS standard issue, circa the early 90s, and belnds in superbly with our tired brown nylon carpets. Ponky sterilising wipes are most certainly the order of the day here! We have a twin to the brown phone, which is buff phone. Buff phone has such revolting caked buttons that it is now impossible to dial any number with a 7 in it. I have tried gouging out the wedges of gunge with a plastic picnic knife (standard NHS canteen issue) but it wasn't up to the job. Next stop: ethanol. That ought to do it!
PS I think you're right. Boys have never heard of ponky sterilising wipes, but more importantly they just DON'T NOTICE FILTH. Weird.
PPS Have you ever noticed that your computer keyboard is always full of crumbs, even if you never eat at your desk?
E x
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